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TPT 5.1 Notes


Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing

Many organizations exploit the power of computers and use it for destructive purposes including hacking. Although there are “good” hackers out there, often reffered to as “White Hats” the majority lies in “Black Hats” also known as bad hackers. These people solve puzzles and unlock locks providing either a benficial of harmful effect depending on the induviduals intentions.

Talk about dopamine issues above. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School?

Yes, I have many struggles with dopamine primarily caused by chronic OCD and temporary depression affecting the balance of serotonin in the brain. This majorly interrupts with my progression as a student and directly interferes with my achievements.

5.3 Notes
Digital Divide Socioeconomic
  Limited but not limited to:
  - Age
  - Religion
  - Countries
In some countries: Computers are not common in rural areas
  Only a small number of websites
  Internet is used to protect and advocate the government
  High level of surveillance on the internet to protect the government


How does someone empower themself in a digital world?

Empowering yourself is actually quite easy, meet new peopele, research code, and generally explore uncharted territory. For exmaple, tri 1 I sought help from computer science experts to assist me in the completion of the logic gates; I was only able to complete te assigment as I empowered myself.

How does someone that is empowered help someone that is not empowered? Describe something you could do at Del Norte HS.

Reach out to people you might see having trouble in or out of class, having someone to help work through majorly helps in gaining more of an understanding.

Is paper or red tape blocking digital empowerment? Are there such barriers at Del Norte? Elsewhere?

Red tape blocks digital empowerment. Poor families are unable to have the availability of a great selection of digital equipment, compared to the wealthier people who can use anything at their own discretion. At Del Norte we are gifted, we have access to all this computer technology we don’t use, although some lack digital empowerment, putting many at a disadvantage.



5.3 Questions

Watch the video… HP computers are racist

Come up with some thoughts on the video and be ready to discuss them as I call on you. Here are some ideas…

Does the owner of the computer think this was intentional?

No, HP’s intention wasn’t to discriminate but to produce an innovative product for users to purchase and use, it is unfourtounte HP was oblivious to this issue.

If yes or no, justify you conclusion.

No, not enough testing was done to determine the widespread diverse use of this product, unintentionally being (rascist).

How do you think this happened?

Not enough crowdsourcing, HP’s testing was very limited based of the results, this meant that no testing was performed on darker skin colors, resulting in complete undetection.

Is this harmful? Was it intended to be harmful or exclude?

No, it wasnt intended to be harmful, but helpful, once again it wasnt the creators intention for it to not work correctly.

Should it be corrected?

Yes, of course this is not only a major malfunction on the machines part but the creator’s credibility and reliability, as well as it being discriminatory and majorly controversial.

What would you or should you do to produce a better outcome?

Ask and test on a wider crowd, more inputs produce better final results which is a scientific fact.

5.4 Notes

5.4 Questions

CompSci has 150 principles students. Describe a crowdsource idea and how you might initiate it in our environment?

A great way of communicating through our computer science student is not through the class, but theoug general in the COMPSCI Slack server channels. Many find great tools to assist them with code and comptencey.

What about Del Norte crowdsourcing? Could your final project be better with crowdsourcing?

Yes, of course the more ideas, the better final result. More people provide stronger assistance which could help one in their completion of a project. In our PBL website, a great way for us to add PBL’s would actually be through crowdsourcing through our fellow Comp Sci students.

5.5 Notes

5.5 Questions

When you create a GitHub repository it requests a license type. Review the license types in relationship to this Tech Talk and make some notes in GitHub pages.

Notes located above

Make a license for your personal and Team project. Document license you picked and why.

Our team decided to chose Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal due to it’s dedication toward the world-wide public domain. For my personal project, I chose the Open Source MIT License because I liked that it allows using code freely and making/distributing closed source versions (Crediting the source)

5.6 Notes

5.6 Questions

Describe PII you have seen on project in CompSci Principles.

PII is Personally Identifiable Information. I’ve seen this multiple times throughout CSP including the CRUD database, containing names, passwords, and emails.

What are your feelings about PII and your exposure?

I believe PII is essential for personal use and identification, although it is very useful, there are many risks including people(hackers) obtaning private personal information. Debit and credit cards are a perfect example

Describe good and bad passwords? What is another step that is used to assist in authentication.

Good passwords vary in characters and synbols while bad passwords are very simple, an exmaple of a good password includes D*S&$fks$!!w2 while a bad one is 123. Also, one factor used in the authentication system is multi factor authentication which verifies you via a remote device or biometrics.

Try to describe Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption.

Symmetric encrytion happens when there’s only one key, which is secret, and this key is used to decrypt and encrypt electronic data/information. Asymmetric encryption/cryptography happens when there’s a pair of related keys, including one private and one public. These are used to decrypt and encrypt information to protect it from unauthorized use/access.

Provide and example of encryption we used in deployment.

In deployment, an example of encryption we used in deployment is SSL, which uses both symmetric and asymmetric encryption.

Describe a phishing scheme you have learned about the hard way. Describe some other phishing techniques.

A phishing scheme I’ve learned about the hard way happened when I tried to watch a movie on a poor website. When I clicked on the movie, an “ad” popped up and asked me to download the movie, so I clicked it. Then, malware was downloaded onto my computer. Another phishing technique could be fake websites that steal your credit card information/other PII after you enter it.